
Finn's Facts

When Great white shark pups are born, they are between 3.9 and 4.9 feet long. The males grow to an average of between 11 and 13ft, while the females grow to typically 15 – 16ft long.

Great white sharks are estimated to have around 300 teeth in their mouths at any given time, and are thought to replace lost or damaged teeth throughout their lives, potentially growing over 20,000 teeth in their lifetime! This is because sharks have a conveyor belt-like system where teeth grow from the back of their mouths and move forward to replace lost teeth. This process can happen in as little as 24 hours.

Sharks play a vital role in maintaining the health of the marine ecosystem, they keep the food chain balanced by eating fish. That is why we need to protect them from extinction.

A shark’s sense of smell is a whopping 10,000 times better than ours! Great white sharks can detect a colony of seals from two miles away and can even smell one drop of blood in 100 liters of water.

Sharks do not have bones. Their skeletons are made of cartilage, which is a flexible connective tissue that's also found in the ears and nose of humans. Cartilage is less dense than bone, which helps sharks move quickly through water with less energy.

Blue whales are the largest animals to ever live on Earth. They can reach lengths of up to 110 feet and weigh up to 330,000 pounds.

Blue whales eat krill, a type of plankton that is about the size of a finger joint. They can eat up to 12,000 pounds of krill per day.

These whales typically swim at around 5 miles per hour but can swim in short bursts of over 20 miles per hour.

Blue Whales are loud. Blue whales are some of the loudest animals on Earth, emitting sounds that can be heard by other whales up to 1,000 miles away. Their vocalizations, known as "songs," can last for up to 30 minutes.

Squid live in oceans all over the world, from the surface to the deepest parts.

They are masters of disguise. Squid can change color to blend in with rocks or seaweed to hide from enemies. (Good thing for Lucas!)

Squid have soft bodies, eight or ten arms, and two tentacles. Their arms have suckers that help them catch prey, and their tentacles are usually longer than their arms.

Some squid can light up to distract predators using bioluminescence.

Manta rays are unique, just like you! They have flattened bodies with flapping triangular fins, also called wings. They are usually black, grey, and white, but each ray has its own unique variations of spots and coloring. They are like fingerprints; each manta is different. They have very large rectangular mouths for gulping up food.

Manta rays are known for their intelligence and can identify their reflections in mirrors.

Manta rays can live for up to 50 years.

They can’t stop. Manta rays are constantly moving and need to stay on the move to survive.

Jellyfish are the oldest multi-organ animal: Jellyfish have been in the ocean for at least 600 million years. That’s a really long time!

Some jellyfish have bioluminescent organs that emit blue or green light. Comb jellies can produce bright flashes of light to startle predators.

The shape of a jellyfish is called a medusa: The bell shape of a jellyfish is called a medusa because it looks like the evil Medusa in Greek mythology.

They are not really fish: Jellyfish are not fish, and they lack brains, blood, bones, and a heart.

Seahorses are poor swimmers: Seahorses are not streamlined because they swim upright in the water. So, if you are having trouble learning to swim…remember, seahorses live in the ocean and still have trouble. You can do it!

Seahorses have good eyesight. They can move their eyes independently, which helps them watch for danger while hunting.

Seahorses don't have stomachs or teeth, and they need to eat almost constantly to grow and live.

Male seahorses carry the babies during reproduction. This is thought to help the species survive because seahorse babies are often eaten by prey. After the female lays eggs in the male's brood pouch, the male carries the babies until they hatch.