Our Mission

Each year Finn & Friends will partner with an organization that is focused on shark research and education as well as the exploration and conservation of our oceans and all the creatures that call it home. There are quite a few of those organizations out there that are in the field every day, and since we are not in a position to be out there, we are excited to partner with them.

Finn & Friends: A Birthday Adventure will be released later this year. This book not only has a powerful message within the pages, but also will be printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks. The book will also be printed out of a local print shop, keeping focus on small business.

When you purchase any Finn & Friends merchandise, whether it be a book or something cute for your kiddo, 10% of all the profits will go to our partner organization to help them with their goals.

Our Vision
Finn & Friends was born out of the idea of writing a children’s book about a young shark, his friends, and the adventures they have.

As the story and idea evolved, so did the idea of giving back to shark and ocean conservation through proceeds from the sales of books and related merchandise. Our goal is to help educate children of the challenges that humans are creating in the ocean with senseless shark deaths, poor fishing practices and pollution in the ocean, on a level a child can enjoy and comprehend.